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At Woodford Nursery we provide an environment that offers a calm and nurturing place where children thrive and become Explorers, Discoverers, Learners and Innovators.

Our school vision "Shine among them like stars in the sky" Phil 2:14-16 enables our school community to celebrate each child as an individual and to support them to nurture their uniqueness, passions and talents.  We encourage an understanding of faith and culture in our diverse world, and reflect upon the Christian values of joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control and they are an integral part of our culture.

It is our job as Early Years Educators to inspire and nurture an inquisitive mind in every child and build strong relationships and secure attachments to ensure our children feel happy, safe, unique and valued.

We recognise that each child is unique. From the very first home or nursery visit, we begin the process of getting to know each child’s individual stage of development. Our own observations, along with Parent’s observations, allows us to establish a clear starting point for each child’s development.

Once we have a child’s starting point we have a foundation to build on. Through our carefully planned environment that supports children’s exploration and curiosity, Educators observe and play alongside children to further their learning ‘in the moment’ so that the learning is purposeful and relevant to the child’s current interests and next steps. Areas for focus are identified for each individual child and are incorporated within their play with their key person and/or in group activities.

Each day we provide opportunities to support children in all Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is balanced with free play indoors and outdoors where children can choose their own play activity, moving around freely, making choices and building and developing their own friendships.

As each child progresses through nursery they grow in confidence in preparation for that all important first day at school.

Our “Open Door” culture invites you to come in and look around at any time or if you would like to book a specific time, please call us on 01832 733 221