Hours: 08.40am to 15.15pm
Start of the day
The gate opens at 08.40am when children go directly into their classes. At 08.50am the gate is closed and children arriving after this time will need to enter school via the school office. Registration closes at 9.00am and any children arriving after this time will be marked as late.
Session 1
The morning session for Key Stage 1 & 2 children is 09.00am unitl 10.30am
Break time
Key Stage 1 & 2 have their morning break from 10.30am to 10.45am
Session 2
The second morning session for Key Stage 1 & 2 children is 10.45am until 12.15pm
Lunchtime for all children is between 12.15pm to 13.15pm
Collective Worship
Collective worship takes place daily between 13.15pm and 13.45pm
Awards Collective Worship takes place each Friday afternoon. Awards for effort and achievement are presented by our Principal
Each class is also given the opportunity to present a class assembly to parents during the year
Session 3
The afternoon session for all children is 13.45 unitl 15.15pm
End of the school day
The school day ends at 15.15 pm.