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Church School

Woodford Primary School and Nursery is a Church of England school, and forms part of the Diocese of Peterborough

Our church values permeate all aspects of our school and our running, and forms a strong moral and ethical compass for all pupils of the Christian faith and other faiths to follow. We accept pupils of all faiths, but we do follow the values and virtues of the Christian faith (although there is a lot of cross over with other faiths).

We have strong links with our community and St Mary's Church who deliver collective worship every week to the whole school.

Our Aims

Our aim is for every child to flourish and we value the pursuit of knowledge, doing the right thing, leadership and team work. Our long-term plan aims to realise the following vision for a calm and purposeful environment. We aim to create an environment of success where children can:

"Shine among them like stars in the sky" Phil 2:14-16

We believe that everyone in our community has the ability to be a shining star.

We also believe in the power of the community and that we have a collective responsibility to help people feel inspired, feel safe and end the day being fulfilled by what they have experienced.

Our Vision

Our school vision "Shine among them like stars in the sky" Phil 2:14-16 enables our school community to celebrate each child as an individual and to support them to nurture their uniqueness, passions and talents. 

Our Values

We encourage an understanding of faith and culture in our diverse world, and reflect upon the Christian values shown below, which are an integral part of our school culture.

If you would like to nominate a member of staff or child for a value award, please click here to nominate them for demonstrating any of our school values.

Courageous Advocacy

When we talk about courageous advocacy, we refer to the act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of those whose voice may not be heard. Speaking out, at whatever level this takes place requires courage and the belief you can make a difference. At Woodford, we want our children to do move beyond just knowing, but to in fact saying and doing too.  For these reasons, we want our children to be difference makers at a school, local and global level.

"May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and turn their pain to joy.

And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done.


Difference makers

Here at Woodford we believe in the power of free-thinking confident children who understand the local and global challenges facing our community today.

Woodford School aspires to create a world where all children are empathetic leaders, capable of working in teams to solve problems for the good of all. We believe and we want them to believe they can make a difference.

Our Difference Makers aim to make a difference in our school, our community and our world by participating in volunteer activities. As a school and as Difference Makers, we are committed to undertaking positive action to address and alleviate the challenges our children face.

Eco and Sustainability

We believe that children need to start learning about the challenges facing our planet as young as possible. If they are brought up understanding that we all share responsibility they are more likely to grow up as socially responsible people who care about finding solutions. We work hard to offer a curriculum that provides hands-on opportunities for our children to learn about the world around them and bring about positive change, but our Eco and Sustainability Difference Makers work across our school to raise awareness of other issues facing our planet.

Christian Values

Our Christian Values Difference Makers work to ensure our values permeate all aspects of our school, and forms a strong moral and ethical compass for everyone regardless of faith to follow. Our school vision "Shine among them like stars in the sky" Phil 2:14-16 enables our school community to celebrate each child as an individual and to support them to nurture their uniqueness, passions and talents. 


At Woodford we understand that bullying in any form is wrong and should not be tolerated, and that any environment that encourages bullying, or shows indifference to prejudice and discrimination is unacceptable.

Our Anti-Bullying Difference Makers work to help our school community come together to achieve our vision of stopping bullying and creating a safer environment in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn.

Student Parliament

Our Student Parliament Difference Makers act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with the principal and staff. We see it as a brilliant way of representing and contributing to pupil voice in our school. Our Student Parliament Difference Makers help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support the children’s learning and development.

Diversity and Equality

We believe every child is of equal importance and has something of value to contribute and every member of our school community will benefit by working in an environment which ensures there is respect for all. Our Diversity and Equality Difference Makers work hard to ensure that everyone involved with the school respects and values each other. They encourage everyone to develop a sense of pride, care and sensitivity towards themselves, each other and the school.

We welcome diversity and will challenge children, staff or parents expressing views contrary to our Christian values, fundamental British values or our Inclusive beliefs.



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